Pest Control

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Organic and Green Pest Solutions for your Homes and Businesses

We are a people and pet friendly company. We implement an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program combined with an Organic Pest Management program at each of our customer’s homes or businesses. IPM is a science-based decision making process that identifies and addresses risks from pests with various pest management methods. It combines the use of a pest’s biology, environment, and technology to prevent pests and their damage through the most economical means, while having the least possible risk to people, property, and the environment.

Organic Pest management programs are also available are generally implemented at organic food processing facilities, however we feel that why should our homes and businesses be treated any differently. We have these expectations that the places our food comes from and the places where we eat are pest free without the use of more toxic pesticides, than why should the places we live and work, spending nearly our entire days at be any different?