Live Bee Removal

What do we do?

Live Bee Removal services are a non-chemical humane removal of the Bees and Honeycomb. We use bee smokers to calm the colony and then vacuum the bees our of the honey comb with a specially designed vacuuming system. Cleaning and sanitizing is done with products that will erase pheromones and prevent future infestations.

Where do we take them?

The bee colonies we remove are brought to Bee-Haven, LLC, our apiary, in Humboldt, AZ. Bee-Haven, LLC is a 10 acre parcel in a remote area of Humboldt, AZ.  The Bee colonies are well maintained and protected from any and all threats. They can flourish while they build and live in their colonies with unlimited foliage around them for miles and miles. This gives them a reason to stay where we relocate them, having all the resources they need.

What is Swarm Trapping?

Swarm trapping is the process of using pheromones to attract bees to a pre-designated area. Typically it is a enclosed box with the pheromone placed inside. Scouting bees will sense the pheromone and direct the rest of the colony that is swarming to the location. It is beneficial because it’s reducing the chances that the bees select an area that is unfit for them and possibly stops them from making their home in your home. Ideal scenarios for swarm trapping are locations such as schools, parks, and neighborhoods. They are usually set at the beginning of swarm season and checked often for activity. When the swarm box has a colony settled in it we then remove the swarm trap from that location and relocate it to one of our selected areas away from people where they can thrive and continue to be beneficial to our environment.